John Scott
With his time of 14 hours 42 minutes on August 12-13, 1994 (two years after his 14 hours 50 minute crossing), John Scott holds the fastest recorded time for a Lake Ontario crossing on the traditional NOTL-to-Toronto course.
John was the motive force in the creation of the plaque at Niagara-on-the-lake to recognize the swimmers who have crossed the lake. He is seen here addressing the audience at the unveiling of the plaque in October 1994.
He has been a continuing force and inspiration in the support of other swimmers in their attempts and achievements in swims on the Great Lakes. In recognition of his swimming achievements and his contributions to the swims of others, John received the Cliff Lumsdon Award of SSO in 1995.
John has shown a particular interest in the well-being of disabled individuals. His 1991 swim raised $10k for the Children's Wish Foundation of Canada which funded two wishes - one to the Blue Jays' training camp in Florida, and the other to Disneyland, California. His 1992 swim set even higher goals, exceeded them by 100%, and raised $50k for the Canadian team to attend the 1993 Special Olympics World Winter Games held in Saltzburg, Austria. John was the Honourary Head Coach of the 1993 Canadian team and was honoured to carry the Canadian flag during the opening ceremonies. His enthusiasm in this work was also reflected in the introduction of a Moose costume which he sported as the mascot for the Canadian team. His 1994 swim raised a further $35k for the Special Olympics World Winter Games. The majority of the funds in 1992 and 1994 were raised from very generous employee donations and matching employer contributions at ScotiaMcLeod.
John has great respect for the 13 hours 49 minutes time of professional swimmer, John Kinsella, in the 1978 professional race from Port-Dalhousie-to-Toronto.
He still stays in training, competes in Masters swimming competitions, and keeps a quiet eye on the Lake.
John continues to provide invaluable support in advising others and acting as a Swim Master with SSO. He served as treasurer for 5 years.
In a fascinating, 30 minute, 2020 interview, John and Steven Munatones (WOWSA) discuss swim-related topics, motivation, ageing, disabilities and more.
A proud Canadian athlete with a true concern to the well-being of others who are less fortunate.